Flamingo by Rachel Elliott

Flamingo by Rachel Elliott

Author:Rachel Elliott
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781472259486
Publisher: Tinder Press


The view from the window is straightforward, uncomplicated. There are cows and sheep and horses, all standing still, all speeding by, it’s unbearably beautiful.

Inside the train, a convolution of humans.

Good collective noun, Daniel.

He watches them step on and step off.

The sound of the doors opening and closing makes him picture an elephant’s tail happily swishing.

Will passengers please mind the parade of elephants currently boarding the train.

He dozes through a rumble of hours, keeps waking up and falling asleep, sees himself reflected in the window each time: you are still here.

But what if they’re not? he thinks. It hadn’t even crossed his mind that they might have moved away.

Sometimes I am the definition of stupid, he thinks.

Aren’t we all, Daniel? a voice says.

Well, not a voice exactly.

It’s the view from the window, gentle and forgiving, saying something now about the wider world, all the lives being lived, the mistakes being made, but there are fields and flowers and ancient trees, there are badgers and butterflies, and there is nothing as fertile as foolishness, and there is always the tender sky.


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